Dr Koshy originally graduated from India in 2009 completing his Bachelor's degree, began his work at Hamilton in Western Victoria in 2012 doing Rural Emergency Medicine for 2 years before transitioning to General Practice in Ballarat, Victoria for 5 Years in a very busy practice doing a lot of Dermatology consults. Skin checks and Skin cancer work,
He has now been in Latrobe for 5 years with subspecialisations in Dermatology, Skin Cancer, Skin checks, Excisions, Cryotherapy and is the only prescriber of Oral retinoid Roaccutane in Northwest Tasmania, along with this he has a lot of experience in Pain medicine, Psychiatry and Adult medicine which are his additional areas of Interest.
He holds a Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery, Diploma in Dermatology, Diploma in Dermatoscopy and a Diploma in Child Health, along with the Fellowship of Royal Australian college of General Practitioners.
He is currently accepting new patients in Latrobe and provides comprehensive care in his specialties of interest.
His interests outside of work include Performance driving, Fishing and Golfing.
By appointment only